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Got a press query? Reach out to our director of communications, brand and sustainability, Annemiek Mohr Wilson. If you’re looking for information about the comundo brand, you can find it all in our brand guide.

Lene Espersen indtræder i bestyrelsen hos dansk tech-startup

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Lene Espersen Indtræder i bestyrelsen hos comundo

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Ugens Startup: Comundo – klimaindsatsen handler nu om økonomisk performance

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Faktiske data eller estimater i dit scope 2-regnskab? Vigtigheden af pålidelige data

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Danų startuolis „comundo“ plėtos klimato technologijas Vilniuje

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Lietuvą plėtrai pasirinkęs danų startuolis „comundo“ pritraukė 2,3 mln. Eur

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Vilniuje įsikūręs danų startuolis „Comundo“ plėsis, darbuotojams pasiūlė 4 darbo dienų savaitę

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People Ventures leder investeringsrunde i klimatech-selskab

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Klimatech-selskab har skaffet 17 millioner til CO2-beregner for ejendomme

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Employer of the Month: How Comundo is redefining workplace culture and environmental responsibility

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