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Get to know the people behind the people at comundo.

Interested in joining them? We don't blame you, they're a brilliant bunch. Hit the link below and let us know. We'll be more than happy to talk.

Let's talk

Board of directors.

Steen Bøttzau Haunstrup

Investor and co-founder & CRO at Rackbeat

Lene Feltmann Espersen

Former CEO of the Danish Association of Architectural Firms and professional board member.

Christian Damsgaard Tost

General partner at People Ventures


Pernille Garde Abildgaard

Founder of Take Back Time and leading Nordic expert on the four-day working week.

Elliott More

Decarbonisation expert and former Decarbonisation and Digitalisation Lead at Ramboll.

Lead Investors.

People Ventures
