Velkommen til comundo.

Vi er en gruppe ligesindede mennesker, der er gået sammen om at gøre planeten grønnere — og forretninger bedre.

Læs videre for at lære mere om, hvem vi er, hvorfor vi er her, og hvad vi hjælper vores kunder med at opnå.

Three women, all comundo employees, having a pleasant conversation at a small table with coffee

Vi ønsker at være verdens største bidragsyder til en net-zero planet.

ed at give bygningsejere de nøjagtige energidata
de skal bruge for at opnå deres

It’s an ambitious vision, but we can do it – together with you.

The world's best workplace.

Our colleagues are the most important asset that we have. It’s not something we just say, it’s something we live and breathe. We believe in helping people live the lives they want to live, with flexible working; a four-day week (with full pay); and autonomy in their role.

A real and positive impact.

With the world’s best workplace, we’re able to focus our energy on what we do; helping our customers on the path to net zero. We know that together we can make a difference. Together, we can be the biggest contributor to a net-zero planet.

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What do we believe in?


We see comundo as a community. A place where we support each other, celebrate our wins and never judge.

We believe that you should know where the company is going, how you fit into that narrative and how you help propel it forward, but most of all, we want you to live the life you want to live.

Doing good

It all starts with people.

By working together with respect, integrity and kindness, we believe we can not only create the world’s best workplace but we can also create a better experience for our customers – and a better world.


We believe in smarter, not harder. It’s knowing yourself, being in charge of your time and understanding what’s needed in order to bring value to the company, our customers – and you.

We want everyone to be proud of what they do and where they work, so they can be the best – and so can we.